Sivananda Ashram

Parliament - Ramana Maharshi
with Shanker Madan

July 10 (Monday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Ashram Library

July 10th, 17th & 24th

THE PATH TO SELF ENQUIRY with Shanker Mandan continues with the verses selected by Shi Ramana Maharshi from Bhagavat Geeta.
On The 24th of July Shanker concludes his series on Bhagavat Geeta, the Essence of Geeta by Shri Ramana Maharshi by a You Tube video presentation on Bhagavat Geeta by Swami Anubhavananda Saraswati, the Smiling Swami. Swami Anubhavananda Ji is a resident of California, travels extensively and is the Head of Sat Bhavana Trust. He is a disciple of Swami Chinmayananada and for several years taught in Sandeepany Sadhanalaya of Chinmaya Mission in Mumbai. The perspective is Jnana. This video ‘caps’ our reading of the last seven weeks on Bhagavat Geeta.


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